The Sorrows of 2018! Behold the Sorrows of 2018!
These are the words that woke me with a jolt one July winters morning in 2008 at 3am to an angelic encounter that left me drained of physical strength and an inability to organise personal thoughts for hours after. This was not my Sentinel Angel whose presence I am accustomed to and I recognise. This was a Watcher. An angel I had no inclination to hold a conversation with but to listen to without interrupting.
Some of the things that the Watcher told me that morning have come to pass in small measures – most are waiting for their full manifestation. But the current global crisis surely is a part of this encounter even if we cannot fully identify it.
After that experience I was not permitted to share, teach or preach what was communicated to me until June 2016 when I was conducting a church-wide camp for Covenant Vision Christian Church based in Singapore under the leadership of a great Man of God and dear friend – Rev. Francis Khoo.
To be transparent – I had no idea that I would share that experience with a church, much less at a church camp! I did not plan to do so in the least. But I felt the spiritual release to share a portion of it to that particular congregation.
We are in tumultuous times to say the least. At the time of this writing, we are in Day 3 of a twenty-one day full lockdown in South Africa. We cannot leave our homes except under circumstances requiring medical intervention or to acquire food & pharmaceutical supplies.
South Africa, India, China, France, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, and the UK have implemented the world’s largest and most restrictive mass quarantines with more countries poised to follow. According to reports some 35% of the world’s population is currently under some form of lockdown or restriction of movement and suspension of civil liberties right now. We are a world at war with an invisible enemy – Coronavirus.

I am not going to focus this journal entry on the full account of what transpired in that encounter, nor go into detail the 45 things that I was shown back in 2008. Suffice to say I have already publicly spoken it to a congregation and hopefully I will compile a video in the days ahead.
But I do want to share with you as much as I am now permitted. It involves five different elements: religion, politics, economics, war, and geo-physical events. And we – the Church – are the last line of defence!
That said, here is an excerpt of what we are currently experiencing that I was shown in that encounter:
In South Africa and some other African countries airports will be shut down for as long as a month and there will be no travel. But this will be a reflection of a global pattern and the skies will grow quiet. Freedom of movement will be under curfew and curtailed by the law of land and sea. Great fences. Infantry. Armed forces. Coordinated naval blockades. Pandemonium. Ancient Europe will fall and Paris will burn with fever. The crescent moon rises to wage war in Europe. A great national treasure is destroyed. And a presidential assassination is attempted.
That was one but one sequence of 5 visions and one I think relates closely to where we are now as a planet. I do understand that the Watcher said, the Sorrows of 2018 and it is already 2020. However let us consider that these events could have been set in motion in that year but are seeing its manifestation now, and/or the prayers of the Church has withheld much of it for a period.
None of this is intended to cause panic or steal hope. Indeed I don’t profess to have a clear picture and an accurate understanding of what I saw. Paul says that we see through the glass dimly! Prophets are translators not interpreters of God’s thought waves. What I do know without a doubt is that it is time for the Church to rise not cower. It is time for the Warriors to shout and not be silent. You are the last line of defence! You are the Church of Jesus Christ!
The Apostle Paul, the same who was caught up into the third Heaven and heard and saw indescribable things unlawful to utter, is the same who defined the role of the Church.
To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 3: 8-10
It’s Not All Doom & Gloom
This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realised in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him. So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory.
Eph 3:13
When I recorded these things in my journal, and I indeed began to feel sorrowful, the Voice of God whispered to me, “But My People shall live in abundance.” That was all I need to seek the secrets to – Living in Abundance in the Days of Sorrow.
Four Things the Church Must Do
- The Church must return to knowing God and His ways rather than knowing about God. We have replaced power with programs and substituted revelation for rhetoric and catchy phrases.
- The Church must learn to contend for the Faith again! We have lost our Witness while the world grows louder in declaring their unbelief. But God says in Isaiah: “You are My witnesses…”
- The Church must return to the love of God’s Word. We need a revelation that God’s power is unlimited! He has not changed. We have placed limitations on God.
- We must return to the Church re-instituting the practice of spiritual disciplines by the Saints like it was in the Book of Acts and the Early Church! Especially those of giving, prayer, fasting, and meditation.
Three Things We Must Do
Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah
Psalm 24:3-6 (ESV)
- Clean hands – Harm no one through the lust of the flesh
- Pure heart – No vain, personal agenda for the lust of the eyes
- Not swear deceitfully – do not call that which is evil as good and attribute to evil what is the work of God for the pride of life.
Such is the Generation for Such a Time as This
From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
Acts 17:26
That really means that God has appointed for you to be alive at this time in history. And no matter what land you call home – God knows where to find you. His divine GPS is tracking you – all the time!
This is your time! It’s not a time for fear. It’s a time for great faith and courage. Over the years as a 4th generation preacher’s kid I’ve constantly heard people express how great it would be to be alive during the time of the Acts of the Apostles. People are still saying that today. Warriors – we are in that time right now!
As I read Psalm 24 repeatedly to gain insight – I was drawn to verse 6 and began to desire an understanding of what a spiritual generation would look like. A generation that was once a Jacob but had contended with God and was declared fit for co-rule! What will you look like when the planet experiences the full fire of the Days of Sorrow?
As you begin to implement the 7 Secrets I’ve just shared, then hear then the Word of God to the Generation of Spiritual Israel:
- You will be elevated & promoted
- You will live in the thick honey Presence of God
- The Gates of Heaven will open to you and understanding will come
- The Ancient Doors will open and hidden spiritual truths will be revealed.
- The Hosts of Heaven will fight on your behalf.
- You will be blessed in the city of your industry and in the field of your labour
- The Glory of God will rest in your home!
Be strong and courageous Warriors! Do not succumb to the spirit of fear that marauds the night nor the pestilence that stalks the land. It shall not hurt you nor come near your dwelling place for you abide under the shadow of the Most High God!
If you are in need of a miracle right now then watch our latest video upload “How to Bake a Miracle” and receive the revelation, our prayer and a blessing.
You are the last line of defence. You are the Eternal Church. You are the battle-axe of the Lord and a supernatural generation!
See you in the Future!